
The Preston Consulting team brings a wealth of experience across a range of industries to help guide and manage your project, operation or idea to fruition.  Our people are our asset, and by accessing their expertise, you can in turn add value to your asset.  We are experienced in providing guidance and planning for projects from their inception, including high-level initial appraisals, detailed due diligence and comprehensive land access, approvals and development strategy planning . We consistently scope and manage environmental surveys, investigations and data acquisition and review exercises that support educated decision making. We have completed numerous environmental plans and approvals and have developed strong professional relationships with regulators.

Our team has contributed broadly in the fields of agriculture, legal management, resource management, power generation, water supply and management, mining, infrastructure development, planning, social impact assessment, environmental management and impact assessment, data acquisition, mine closure planning and rehabilitation, salinity control, safety, marine science, heritage, Native Title, risk management, fire planning, agroforestry, and economic assessment. The following sections outline some of our specific experience.