Environmental Management

All projects and industries will have some form of potential environmental impact that requires management. We understand the various aspects of environmental management and keep informed of current industry best-practice. We can then utilise this knowledge to develop suitable environmental management commitments for inclusion into approval documents, environmental management plans (EMPs) and environmental procedures.

Project approval documents need to demonstrate that environmental management will eliminate or minimise the project’s environmental impacts. We can ensure that all environmental management commitments made in the approval documents are current, adequate and based on sound science. We can also provide evidence of precedence to ensure that the commitments will meet the regulator’s requirements.

EMPs are often prepared to demonstrate in greater detail how potential environmental impacts will be eliminated or minimised. EMPs can be general or specific, depending on associated risks and the phase of the project (i.e. a high-level EMP may be developed at the project planning stage, with more detailed EMPs prepared closer to the construction phase). EMPs can also be required by approval conditions, and Proponents often commit to the preparation of EMPs in their approval applications.

We can design and prepare EMPs and environmental procedures to ensure that potential impacts are addressed appropriately. We have numerous EMP and procedure templates available which allows us to develop these documents quickly and consistently. We can prepare the EMP and procedure documentation, liaise with stakeholders and submit to government if required.

For information about our environmental management experience click here.