Talison Lithium Greenbushes


Talison Lithium Pty Ltd

Commodity / resource

Lithium Concentrates


Greenbushes, WA

Talison Lithium operates the Greenbushes Lithium Mining Operation, located south of the town of Greenbushes and approximately 250 km south of Perth. Greenbushes has been mined for tin, tantalum, lithium and other products by Talison Lithium and predecessor companies since 1888, making Greenbushes the longest continuously operated mining area in WA. The Greenbushes open cut hard rock mine was established in 1983, which is where Talison Lithium’s current operations are based.  A number of expansions to the Greenbushes Lithium Mining Operation (Project) have occurred over the past 30 years, with the most recent expansion having commenced in 2019.  Preston Consulting have been involved in the expansion of the Greenbushes Lithium Mining Operation since 2022 and has supported Talison Lithium by providing project planning advice and approvals support. Preston Consulting has prepared various approvals applications for the Project under Part IV and Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA), the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth), and the Mining Act 1978 (WA).

Preston Consulting has supported development of an additional Tailings Storage Facility (TSF4), dust management plans, water storage dams, chemical grade plants, and other various expansion activities. Preston Consulting continues to provide Talison Lithium with advice, project planning services and assistance in the preparation of approvals documents for the Project.